OSCpc Versions

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Eine Liste von Änderungen, die am OSC/pc vorgenommen wurden.

OSC/pc History

R1059 | 16.03.2011 22:29

[UPDATED] everything handling Position resources: treat positions with raw_data field "PV" != "0" as
          private positions. this means also positions that lack the PV field at all.
[ADDED]   Position: Split raw_data string as soon as we get one. Can be queried with rawDataValue(fieldName).
[CHANGED] Resource: made set() virtual, so descendants can do additional things like parsing or filtering.

R1058 | 16.03.2011 17:27

[ADDED] trailer.gif graphic

R1057 | 16.03.2011 17:24

[FIXED] coworker travel list crash due to some naming problems

R1056 | 16.03.2011 17:10

[FIXED]   OLMap,OLTrailer: connections
[CHANGED] replaced trailer icon by a boring red square
[CHANGED] TKDailyReport: re-enabled pdf and csv buttons

R1055 | 16.03.2011 13:24

[FIXED] fast fix for oschwald coworker crashing

R1054 | 15.03.2011 21:06

[ADDED]   System::setDeleted(): clean up registry on system deletion (setDeleted())
[REMOVED] System: ResourceParameter + local variable redundancies for lastSync and syncWanted
[FIXED]   System: load Trailer positions map texts (shown in SystemView)
[CHANGED] SystemForm: replaced syncWeeks-slider by a DateTimeEdit
[CHANGED] PositionSync: always take System's lastSync as sync start (do not evaluate local db anymore)
[ADDED]   ResourceParameter: value(): optional default value (def: QVariant())
[ADDED]   OLMap/OLTrailer: trailer support
[ADDED]   TrailerWindow: map
[ADDED]   StatusWidget: forward trailer check box to main map
[FIXED]   SystemView: hide trailer position when "now" is disabled; switch timestamp label accordingly

R1053 | 15.03.2011 19:41

[ADDED] google-breakpad library
[CHANGED] osc project to compile with breakpad so far ONLY with msvc on win
[ADDED] some help files for msvc environment on win

R1052 | 15.03.2011 15:54

[CHANGED] moved proxy authentication connection to static func for preventing crash in msvc compiled version
[FIXED] some warnings by adding some Q_UNUSED
[CHANGED] some datatypes to get rid of inttypes.h in pch.h - which is not available in msvc
[CHANGED] HUGE_VALF to HUGE_VAL (not available in msvc)
[FIXED] quazip to compile on msvc

R1051 | 15.03.2011 13:56

[CHANGED] Updater Translations

R1050 | 14.03.2011 20:02

[FIXED] update mechanism

R1049 | 12.03.2011 20:53

[CHANGED] change updater path to updater_new on copy

R1048 | 12.03.2011 20:27

[CHANGED] updater to delete temp folder

R1047 | 12.03.2011 19:58

[CHANGED] updater location to be in directory "updat3r"

R1046 | 11.03.2011 16:12

[FIXED] OLCurveString: int overflow in detection of large pixmaps (travels disappeared at very close zoom levels)

R1045 | 11.03.2011 15:52

[FIXED] crash on CustomerForm::load() with empty resource

R1044 | 10.03.2011 18:25

[FIXED]   SystemTimeline: resting time calculation (argument missing in sql query)
[FIXED]   System: when "lastSynced" value exists in settings, but no db file (e.g. new deployment without positions
          directory), reset lastSynced setting. Sync started at the virtual last timestamp.
[CHANGED] SqlAccessor: try to re-open db on execute() to see if it's created meanwhile (needs some tweaking with
[ADDED]   ResourceParameter: support deleting registry values

R1043 | 10.03.2011 14:58

[FIXED] macdeployqt cmd line

R1042 | 09.03.2011 17:51

[CHANGED] VERSION_MAIN: yy.m (no zeros in month)

R1041 | 09.03.2011 15:55

[ADDED]   Updater: linux64 support
[FIXED]   TrailerDataModel: crash on "show on map" for trailer positions 
[CHANGED] versioning scheme of OSC3_VERSION_MAIN: yy.mm (e.g. 11.03)

R1040 | 09.03.2011 15:42

[FIXED] coworker travels not loading
[CHANGED] some sql debug messages

R1039 | 09.03.2011 15:17

[CHANGED] version file query path - WARNING only added linux32 so far

R1038 | 08.03.2011 13:39

[FIXED] windows build

R1037 | 08.03.2011 12:55

[FIXED] build with qt creator

R1036 | 08.03.2011 12:30

[FIXED] lib path and deploy error messages

R1035 | 07.03.2011 19:33

[FIXED] folder switch

R1034 | 07.03.2011 19:30

[CHANGED] use rmdir on windows

R1033 | 07.03.2011 19:22

[FIXED] changed config.h :P

R1032 | 07.03.2011 19:22

[CHANGED] replaced copy with xcopy
[CHANGED] on windows and linux, copy from the first dir in the zip root

R1031 | 07.03.2011 18:58

[ADDED] debug stuff for updat3r

R1030 | 07.03.2011 18:05

[ADDED] updater removes tmp files
[CHANGED] cleaned updater code a bit

R1029 | 07.03.2011 17:18

[CHANGED] updater work in progress

R1028 | 07.03.2011 16:18

[CHANGED] name OSC3 -> OSCpc (qmake, updater)
[CHANGED] updater, work in progress

R1027 | 07.03.2011 16:14

[FIXED] PositionSync: discard positions with raw_data TS "000000000000"
[FIXED] GenericForm: comparison of char* addresses where String comparison was wanted

R1026 | 07.03.2011 14:39

[CHANGED] unzip to tmp folder
[ADDED] delete zip file

R1025 | 07.03.2011 13:40

[CHANGED] removed "build to tmp and copy to bin later" voodoo, just build to "bin"
[FIXED] find and start updater executable on mac os x

R2^10 | 04.03.2011 18:17

[FIXED]   System, PositionSync: store created_at of last synced position in registry over application restarts.
[CHANGED] MainWindow: prepended "./" to call to updater process (needed for unix)
[UPDATED] --> beta 8.0

R1023 | 04.03.2011 15:12

[FIXED] includes of new subprojects on Linux
[UPDATED] generalized svn:ignore; took */bin and */tmp out of version control

R1022 | 02.03.2011 14:48

[CHANGED] static linking of zip lib

R1021 | 02.03.2011 14:05

[ADDED] unzipping of downloaded file - this is highly experimental and only tested for win32 so far
[CHANGED] the project files to copy the compiled lib to quazipsrc/lib and the dll to updater/tmp and osc3/tmp

R1020 | 02.03.2011 10:48

[CHANGED] zip library structure

R1019 | 01.03.2011 21:34

[CHANGED] rev -> 2019 :D

R1018 | 01.03.2011 21:34

[CHANGED] rev -> 2017

R1017 | 01.03.2011 21:32

[ADDED] missing file from zip lib

R1016 | 01.03.2011 21:31

[ADDED] quazip library for zip functionality
[CHANGED] Updater - downloads osc zip now
[ADDED] qsettings var "update_test" for update testing possibility (set to true to activate) 

R1015 | 01.03.2011 14:39

[CHANGED] mac icon name

R1014 | 28.02.2011 20:35

[CHANGED] project structure

R1013 | 28.02.2011 20:18

[CHANGED] project structure

R1012 | 28.02.2011 20:17

[CHANGED] project structure

R1011 | 28.02.2011 20:14

[CHANGED] project structure to support other executables
[ADDED] updater project

R1010 | 28.02.2011 19:29

[CHANGED] just smals ci before structure change for updater

R1009 | 25.02.2011 18:53

[CHANGED] TimelineControl: provide signals on right-click on buttons; changed icon of "daily view" button to (i);
[ADDED]   SystemTimeline: right-click on travel opens context menu with "open google" option (a link with travel
          start/end coordinates is passed to the system's default browser to show how Google would be driving)
          Right-click on "daily view" button shows all travels of the day to Google Map
[REMOVED] SystemTimeline: removed white background from scale values
[ADDED]   AutoTimerClock: when clicked, trigger immediate resource update
[CHANGED] OLMap: address search field is now aligned centered
[CHANGED] GeoRequestLineEdit: increased delay between input and request to 1500 msecs
[UPDATED] some translations
[UPDATED] --> beta 7.5

R1008 | 24.02.2011 19:31

[FIXED] UserForm crashed in load() when resource became 0 (e.g. when closing UserWindow)
[ADDED] beginning of code for Google Directions (aka. routes)

R1007 | 24.02.2011 19:26

[ADDED] code for auto update - still WIP

R1006 | 24.02.2011 15:55

[ADDED] GeoAccessor: send hl and gl parameters to define language and region priority

R1005 | 22.02.2011 19:07

[UPDATED] GeoRequestLineEdit: emit selected also for the case of unselecting the selection (with an empty PGeoRequest())
[UPDATED] OLMap: show the looked up address on the map with a location icon (Location resource can possibly be used further later)

R1004 | 22.02.2011 14:08

[CHANGED] version string and user agent

R1003 | 18.02.2011 18:14

[FIXED]   SystemForm: remember state of sync-weeks-slider
[CHANGED] OLMap: lookupAddress default zoom: 11->13  +
[UPDATED] GeoRequestLineEdit: disable while loading; make sure connection for accepted() is set up again
          when it breaks
[FIXED]   GeoAccessor: Data of different requests got mixed and was put in one of those requests.
          --> Operate on request's data only, not on Accessor's data.
[ADDED]   GarminForm/tab "destinations"/GarminDestinationTableModel: input field to set time for new destination
          before creating them;  new checkbox "show all" --> show all currently loaded destinations
[CHANGED] Garmin: load destinations for current month and previous month per default
[UPDATED] --> beta 7.4

R1002 | 17.02.2011 20:16

[ADDED] some translations
[ADDED] read only check box - though still WIP
[UPDATED] some code cleanup

R1001 | 17.02.2011 15:12

[ADDED] saving requirements to trailers

R1000 ☺ | 16.02.2011 19:05

[UPDATED] GeoRequestLineEdit: QStringListModel doesn't take UserRole data elements, so we
          have to store the list of GeoRequests separately. 
[UPDATED] mainwindow / address lookup: styled to fit nicely in ui. Fixed zooming.

R999 | 15.02.2011 19:15

[ADDED] GeoRequestLineEdit (encapsulates functionality that formerly was inside GarminForm)
[ADDED] an address lookup field to OLMap (last tweak needed)
[FIXED] some code optimization here and there
[UPDATED] --> beta 7.3

R998 | 14.02.2011 17:47

[CHANGED] mac application icon to match windows application icon 

R997 | 14.02.2011 16:56

[FIXED] WORKAROUND FIXME crash on mac os x while customer switch
                         seems to be related to inactive system icon anim

R996 | 11.02.2011 16:16

[FIXED]   SystemForm: don't set system dirty if sync-slider is changed;
          checkbox "reject connection" was not uncheckable
[CHANGED] TravelReport/ArchiveReport addLocation(): set Location's name to nicer map text rather than    
          raw mapText
[CHANGED] SqlAccessor: prefer QList instead of QMap as result type, since QMap breaks sorting on multiple 
          entries with same key. Fixes data salad in TravelReport (reported by Susi).
[UPDATED] --> beta 7.2

R995 | 11.02.2011 15:44

[ADDED] some more loading info on login

R994 | 10.02.2011 18:57

[ADDED] some more information on login

R993 | 10.02.2011 18:04

[FIXED] set tacho works again (reported by stephan)
[FIXED] sometimes form was not completely reset in locations on change (reported by bonke)

R992 | 08.02.2011 19:22

[FIXED] GarminForm: crash when adding GarminDestination to a new local Garmin that was not saved yet
[ADDED] SystemTimeline: timestamp from/to for travels and restings
[FIXED] resting report: distance calculation
[CHANGED] uniform color for selections in QTableView and QTreeView
[UPDATED] --> beta 7.1

R991 | 08.02.2011 17:34

[CHANGED] some event window glitches

R990 | 07.02.2011 19:15

[FIXED] double entries in observerlist after save
[CHANGED] config tab in garmin is the first to be displayed
[ADDED] i left the debug entries (they are commented) dont know when we need them again :)

R989 | 07.02.2011 17:49

[FIXED] typo

R988 | 07.02.2011 17:47

[FIXED] a important part of the current delete-crash-bug

R987 | 04.02.2011 19:29

[UPDATED] creating new GarminDestinations: set send-after to selected date at clock 00:00:00 (local time);
          name and send-after are now editable in the table
[UPDATED] WebAccessor: more verbose error messages when connection fails
[FIXED]   Event: crash when destructing a new Event that had no Observer accessor yet
[FIXED]   TrailerForm: crash when deleting a trailer

R986 | 01.02.2011 19:07

[REMOVED] config window: default max speed (is now system-specific); temp color boxes
[ADDED]   system combo box: new parameter to hide aliases (default: true)
[FIXED]   event form: selecting events didn't change window title; layout: time edits
[FIXED]   system form: connection for "max speed" was missing; layout: temperature edits
[CHANGED] travel visualizer: for speeding, use system's max-speed value instead of system-wide
[FIXED]   system timeline: drive-nr taken from wrong db field;
          naming of temperature sensors consistent to other places (T1..T4 instead of 0..3)
[CHANGED] system: update timer interval 10sec -> 30sec

R985 | 01.02.2011 00:52

[FIXED] the currentThread thingy again :)
[UPDATED] drivelog stuff, connections in locationwindow etc.
[FIXED] dont save if saverequirements are not fulfilled
[FIXED] temporary fixed the customer reload - still needs to be checked by alex

R984 | 28.01.2011 19:00

[ADDED]   SystemTimeline: scales for speed and temperature
[ADDED]   Timeline: possibility to draw overlays that won't be affected by transformation
          (i.e. they stay on place even when zooming or dragging)
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.27

R983 | 28.01.2011 17:01

[CHANGED] on MainWindow::stopSync(), the sync-thread gets disconnected immediately and silently
          exits in the background. --> Main thread won't wait for sync to finish, speeds up and
          stabilizes customer change.
[CHANGED] Garmin Destinations: the time when the destinations is to be sent to the Garmin, was
          written to updated_at. Introduced a new field "send-after" now where this goes into.
[UPDATED] OLMap: moved the new mapLoaded() logic to OLMapBase, so Layers can use it too.

R982 | 27.01.2011 19:33

[ADDED] coworker is mandatory for drivelog save
[CHANGED] drive log tab is ignored - only dialog gets opened but old tab remains
[CHANGED] internal drive log model
[ADDED] signal to map when webpage loading is done - in this case i use this to determine whether the map 
        is initalized as i found no other solution

R981 | 26.01.2011 19:53

[CHANGED] drive log saving selecting of next in list should work now

R980 | 26.01.2011 19:32

[FIXED] bug in location form saving 0 radius
[CHANGED] drivelog filtering saved travels - wip as next not yet fully loaded 
[ADDED] companyphine, default reaon, default drivetype
[UPDATED] locationform accordingly
[FIXED] drivelog stuff only showing if system->travelReport = true

R979 | 25.01.2011 19:33

[CHANGED] MainWindow: moved color and drawing selection for CanBus visualization into an own class
[FIXED]   SystemTimeline: temperature drawing according to T1..T4-Limits

R978 | 25.01.2011 15:08

[ADDED]   Working/Resting Report: show driven distance per day, and totalized for month
[ADDED]   SystemTimeline: show driven distance per travel (toolTip) and totalized per day (info text)
[UPDATED] optimized local SQL queries for SystemTimeline, accelerates it a lot
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.26

R977 | 21.01.2011 19:53

[UPDATED] finished working/resting report and embedded in ui
[FIXED]   locationform: connection to radius field lost
[UPDATED] utils.cpp: for html creation, derive alignment from model
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.25

R976 | 20.01.2011 23:27

[UPDATED] restingreport: current working state

R975 | 20.01.2011 19:01

[CHANGED] appearance of location dialog, added remarks tab
[ADDED] print function to monthly timekeeping page
[CHANGED] dateedit in monthly timekeeping to switch year if going from Jan to Dec or otherwise

R974 | 19.01.2011 23:36

[ADDED] Resting/Working Report (work in progress)
[FIXED] SystemTimeline: Temperatures were not been drawn due to multiple pointers on one pixmap.
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.23

R973 | 19.01.2011 18:55

[ADDED] basic double click feature to drive log table - wip
[CHANGED] drive log destination icon to flag
[FIXED] sorting in drive log table

R972 | 18.01.2011 17:40

[CHANGED] lots of drive log stuff (gpsError calc; dialog layout & minmax buttons etc.)
[CHANGED] eventobservermodel - editable sms number now shown in line edit

R971 | 18.01.2011 15:42

[FIXED] misspelling in translation
[UPDATE] --> beta 6.21

R970 | 15.01.2011 16:22

[CHANGED] lots of design thingies :)

R969 | 14.01.2011 20:11

[CHANGED] travel stuff - most important is save activated

R968 | 14.01.2011 19:04

[FIXED]   Changing resources got awfully slow by directly calling Accessor::getLocalSorted("name") from
          different places. Now, Accessor provides this as a presorted list (Accessor::sortedByName())
          with no need to sort it everytime anew. This means another list in Accessor, but sorting by
          name is used quite often (especially some models call it for each single table cell).
[CHANGED] ResourcePool: All resource list getters now return the list sorted by name.
[FIXED]   OLMap is now faster by collecting refresh requests until a timer expires (1000ms for now).
[FIXED]   *Form: Set m_currentlyLoading while clear().
[CHANGED] Resource: Signal changed() can optionally provide the changing attribute's name as second parameter.
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.20

R967 | 13.01.2011 20:05

[UPDATED] implemented clear() for all GenericForm derivates
[CHANGED] GenericWindow: disable form when no valid resource is loaded

R966 | 13.01.2011 17:50

[FIXED]   GenericWindow: newResource() at closeEvent() created void resources that could be saved to webservice
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.17

R965 | 13.01.2011 17:18

[CHANGED] some first temporary fixes for current problems

R964 | 13.01.2011 12:06

[UPDATED] drivelogdialog to react on new location

R963 | 13.01.2011 10:57

[FIXED] bug with setting of wrong customer

R962 | 12.01.2011 21:46

[ADDED] possibility to save/edit location in drivelog dialog
[ADDED] indications for needed entries in drivelog dialog

R961 | 11.01.2011 21:51

[UPDATED] treemodel for childdrivelogs to be able to handle edited travels now

R960 | 11.01.2011 20:33

[FIXED] windows bug: replaced thread id by a simple counter in db naming scheme

R959 | 11.01.2011 19:51

[CHANGED] Splitted the heavy SystemTimeline into a lighter SystemTimeline and CanTimeline.
          Common behaviour like pixmap handling, zooming, dragging and connectivity to TimelineControl
          settled down in a generic base named Timeline. Please run qmake before compiling.
[CHANGED] CAN-Bus timeline lives in SystemForm now.
[FIXED]   (hopefully) Deleting position db failed when someone still had access on it.
[ADDED]   SqlAccessor: Ability to close database again (Slot close()). Can handle absistence of db.
[FIXED]   System/Sync: Reset last-synced-timestamp when db is deleted.

R958 | 11.01.2011 16:01

[UPDATED] coworker travels now get updated after system sync

R957 | 08.01.2011 19:29

[CHANGED] back & next button in drivelog dialog now working + some usability stuff 

R956 | 08.01.2011 15:21

[FIXED] some speedup on drivelogtable on load 
[FIXED] some tacho calc stuff

R955 | 06.01.2011 19:03

[CHANGED] some visuals in masterdata
[ADDED] travel distance gps error algorithm should work now and moved to system - still testing some special cases though
[FIXED] using correct utc->localtime now in travels
[FIXED] crash in traveldialog when travels had been loaded before

R954 | 05.01.2011 18:26

[FIXED] some travel loading bugs
[ADDED] travel distance error calc - wip

R953 | 04.01.2011 19:30

[FIXED]   mainwindow/groupfilter: groupfilter crashed and had no useful effect since no created/deleted signals
          are sent when it changes. re-introduced signal MainWindow::groupFilterChanged().
[UPDATED] resourcepool: locations and users are affected by groupFilter --> changed getters.
[UPDATED] mainwindow: send current customerFilter uuid to resourcepool so others can ask for real uuid (including
          user's parent-customer which was otherwise an empty string).
[ADDED]   mainwindow/map: create location by ctrl+leftclick.
[FIXED]   locationwindow: set customer-uuid for new locations failed for user's parent customer.
[FIXED]   ollocation: connect localonly-locations to the correct signals (they don't have an accessor).
          Fixes adding polygon points and removing from map when discarded.
[FIXED]   genericwindow: handleLocalChanges() sets unsaved local resources to deleted to get them away;
          clear form when window is closed by loading an empty resource.
[UPDATED] --> beta 6.16

R952 | 03.01.2011 14:01

[CHANGED] some tacho improvements - wip

Ein Link zur Liste der älteren Versionen.