OSCpc Versions

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Eine Liste von Änderungen, die am OSC/pc vorgenommen wurden.

OSC/pc History

R696 | 28.07.2010 16:18

[ADDED] map/locations: different cursors indicate if things can be dragged or moved

R695 | 28.07.2010 16:02

[CHANGED] only coworker window table entries are deselectable for now
[ADDED] setDeselectable(bool) for generic window; call to change above behaviour

R694 | 28.07.2010 13:34

[FIXED] position sync: detect limit overflows (more records with same created_at than
        requested by limit parameter). Such cases stopped sync too early, since all records
        in the answer were already synced. Now, also an id > last_synced_id is requested.
[UPDATED] --> beta 3.1

R693 | 27.07.2010 19:17

[FIXED] garmin not recognized, resulting in not showing travels for coworkers
[CHANGED] when deselecting coworker now all travels without recognized garmin are shown

R692 | 27.07.2010 19:10

[CHANGED] door icons
[CHANGED] system queries trailer messages (status 209) from positions.xml to find last trailer

R691 | 27.07.2010 14:15

[CHANGED] made door icons slightly smaller

R690 | 21.07.2010 18:02

[CHANGED] Language files updated

R689 | 21.07.2010 17:58

[FIXED] system view: hide garmin destination actually

R688 | 21.07.2010 17:18

[ADDED] door icons (open, closed)
[FIXED] archive report: hiding columns x/y and user_data didn't work at startup
[FIXED] travel report, archive report: 'print' and 'map' buttons grew very big,
        applied layoutStretch so only one of the SpacerItems grows
[FIXED] system view: layout stuff with temperatures/doors
[REMOVED] system view: text "No Garmin". instead, the whole destination area is hidden

R687 | 21.07.2010 16:11

[CHANGED] Language files updated (source code if necessary corrected)

R686 | 20.07.2010 19:43

[ADDED] config window: check boxes to show/hide some fields in archive report
[ADDED] config window: check boxes to select temperature/door sensors to show
[ADDED] archive report: for status 215 (Euroscan), user_data is parsed with config values
[CHANGED] system view: layout, some connection things
[UPDATED] --> beta 3.0

R685 | 20.07.2010 19:33

[ADDED] print button with print preview in the system travel report; only basic functionality so far

R684 | 20.07.2010 18:13

[ADDED] print button/functionality with print preview in the coworker timekeeping dialog

R683 | 19.07.2010 18:49

[ADDED] set events active/deactive in osc3 though event observer still have to handle this correctly

R682 | 16.07.2010 18:30

[CHANGED] system fetches last temperatures and door states from webservice instead of local db
[FIXED] systemform: crash bug when trying to delete local db when no system is selected
[CHANGED] systemview: optimized layout space consumption of temp/door data
[ADDED] archivemodel shows user_data
[FIXED] mini translation bug
[CHANGED] location: when assigning a polygon, radius stays untouched
[UPDATED] --> beta 2.12

R681 | 16.07.2010 19:02

[UPDATED] map/polygons: interface to webservice
[ADDED] reading and showing of Euroscan data (temperature, doors)

R680 | 15.07.2010 18:56

[FIXED] selection bug after new
[FIXED] timekeeping travelreport should show up again

R679 | 14.07.2010 18:12

[FIXED] partly nasty selection bug; still occurs when seleecting "New" and reclicking in the table

R678 | 14.07.2010 15:08

[ADDED] position sync: detect connection timeouts and reset sync when hanging
[ADDED] map/polygons: highlight polygon coordinates when hovering
[UPDATED] --> beta 2.11

R677 | 14.07.2010 14:35

[FIXED] negative standing time in timekeeping travelreport

R676 | 14.07.2010 14:22

[CHANGED] timekeeping report; date changing should work now

R675 | 13.07.2010 17:33

[CHANGED] timekeeping report; when no coworker selected then all travels for that day are shown;
          else if selected coworker is set (atm by garmin id) in the travels of the day and the
          systems of the customer then they(the travels) for that customer are shown;
          still a day change issue to fix
[ADDED] ability in generic window to deselect a table entry and thus setting the underlying
        resource to 0 and emitting tableDeselect() but for now just coworkers are listening

R674 | 13.07.2010 16:33

[UPDATED] adapted system->trailer assignment to webservice behaviour
[FIXED] null pointer reference when dragging locations without having location window opened
[FIXED] distance calculation for locations

R673 | 13.07.2010 14:26

[UPDATED] --> beta 2.10

R672 | 13.07.2010 14:22

[CHANGED] positionsync: continue with next system if new list ends with same raw-data string as previous list

R671 | 09.07.2010 17:34

[ADDED] map: forwarding mouse events to children
[ADDED] map: moving polygon points works :)

R670 | 09.07.2010 12:24

[ADDED] icon for trailers

R669 | 08.07.2010 19:36

[CHANGED] timekeeping report according to Oschwald (with simple travel report) - yet have some open issues

R668 | 07.07.2010 11:50

[ADDED] time difference column in timkeeping daily model

R667 | 06.07.2010 17:46

[CHANGED] reverted server path to official

R666 | 06.07.2010 17:45

[ADDED] system: stay informed about Trailers associated to us
[ADDED] systemview: show Trailer info
[UPDATED] --> beta 2.9

R665 | 05.07.2010 16:29

[CHANGED] travel report / archive report: "add to locations" calls locationwindow's native function

R664 | 05.07.2010 15:08

[FIXED] map: zoom rectangle behaves well; don't change zoom level when creating new locations

R663 | 05.07.2010 14:01

[FIXED] event form: "notified-at" is not dependent on "already-notified"

R662 | 02.07.2010 18:10

[ADDED] map: zoom box (right click and drag)
[CHANGED] map/locations: ctrl+leftclick: new location; ctrl+rightclick: add polygon-point

R661 | 02.07.2010 16:21

[ADDED] map: zooming to a coordinate rect (zooom to a travel or position)
[FIXED] map: remove old travels when showing a new one
[CHANGED] enhanced memory usage
[UPDATED] --> beta 2.8

R660 | 02.07.2010 14:21

[FIXED] crash bug when starting locations window
[CHANGED] removed context menu from map (was annoying with right-clicks)

R659 | 01.07.2010 10:12

[FIXED] map disappeared

Ein Link zur Liste der älteren Versionen.